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Happy Students

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How It Works?

Begin Your Islamic Education

Quran, Arabic, or Islamic studies with confidence.

Test Your Level

Test Your Level

Take a quick assessment to evaluate your current understanding of the Quran, Arabic, or Islamic studies. This helps us understand your starting point and tailor the journey ahead.

Get Your Study Plan

Get Your Study Plan

Based on your test results, we create a personalized study plan designed to meet your learning goals and help you progress at your own pace.

Schedule Your Classes

Schedule Your Classes

Choose the best times that fit your schedule. Our flexible booking system allows you to arrange classes at your convenience.

Start Your Learning Journey

Start Your Learning Journey

Begin your lessons with our expert instructors and start your journey to mastering

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Upcoming Courses

Courses that will be published soon

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Why Choose Our Academy?

Discover the reasons why parents choose our academy for their children.

Safe Islamic Environment
Safe Islamic Environment

Surround your child with the safest and most supportive Islamic environment, where learning and faith grow together.

Bilingual Native Arabic Speakers
Bilingual Native Arabic Speakers

Enjoy easy communication and effective learning with our bilingual native Arabic-speaking teachers.

Preserve Arabic Identity
Preserve Arabic Identity

Help your child master the language of the Quran and preserve their Arabic identity.

Maintain Islamic Identity
Maintain Islamic Identity

Keep your child’s Islamic identity alive with our engaging seasonal programs.

Newest Courses

#Recently published courses


#Explore latest news and articles

Little Hearts, Big Faith: Why Quran Learning is Essential for Kids 18 Dec 2024

Little Hearts, Big Faith: Why Quran Learning is Essential for Kids

Imagine planting a seed that grows into a beautiful tree of strong faith, good manners, and authentic knowledge. That’s exactly what Quran learning for kids ...
Guiding your Teens: Strengthening Islamic Identity and Emotional Growth 19 Dec 2024

Guiding your Teens: Strengthening Islamic Identity and Emotional Growth

Are you struggling to connect with your teenage sons and daughters? Managing this critical stage in their lives can be challenging, as they face new emotions, ...
Arabic: The Language That Empowers Futures and Enriches Souls 19 Dec 2024

Arabic: The Language That Empowers Futures and Enriches Souls

In a world where parents dream of the best for their children and strive to equip them with tools for success, imagine a language that not only broadens ...

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#What our customers say about us

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Taj Al-Quran Academy has been a blessing for our family. My son has not only memorized several surahs but also developed a deep understanding of their meanings. The tutors are patient and encouraging, creating a supportive learning environment. I am so grateful for their dedication to helping young Muslims connect with the Quran.

Omar S.

Omar S.


I was hesitant to start learning Tajweed as an adult, but the teachers at Taj Al-Quran Academy made the process easy and enjoyable. Their structured lessons and clear guidance have improved my recitation immensely. I now feel more confident when reading Quran in my prayers.




Learning Arabic at Taj Al-Quran Academy has been an amazing journey. The lessons are interactive, and the teachers explain everything in a way that’s easy to understand. I’m now able to read and understand simple Quranic verses, and I’m excited to keep learning!




The short programs have been a wonderful addition to my daughter’s education. The stories of the prophets and lessons on Islamic values are taught in such an engaging way. She looks forward to every class and often shares what she’s learned with the entire family!

Yusuf M

Yusuf M


The islamic studies course has been life-changing for me. It’s not just about learning verses; it’s about understanding how they relate to my daily life. The discussions are interactive, and the teachers encourage us to ask questions and share our thoughts. It has helped me strengthen my faith and develop a deeper connection with Allah.

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